Friday, July 15, 2011

enthusiasm. (from my story. mystery, entry on March 12, 2011)

When was the last time you felt excited for tomorrow?
Things have changed, and still are changing. Some are getting back to what they used to be back then, and some are becoming a new page to write good stories into. Tomorrow is no exception of these changes. By the next day, you would be back on track doing one of the things you love to do. Waking up early and going to that place to sit for a while and listen. You would also start to have a chance to talk to someone again and ask if that someone could give you something that is way too personal to take into account.
There are hesitations, but you somehow want to do this, for you know that it will bring you back to them. You have failed several times in telling them how you really feel, and now’s your chance to tell who you really are and what they really are to you.
Note, you can read this and other related posts on this blog: 


Each of us, no matter how transparent, have best kept secrets. We never know what we'll find out of someone or what others might find out about us. Whether important or not, bad or good, we all have something that we hide, for the sole reason that our very personality depends on it. We do our best to keep them hidden, to keep them intact, even if it torments your very soul, we still keep it inside us, for the fear that when it comes out, everything that you built would be considered as a lie. Some secrets destroy other people when it goes public, and some secrets would destroy the face of the person that hid it so well. Some secrets however, are very precious and sweet. Feelings of love, feelings of hidden concern and compassion that you cannot show for you prefer it that way. Secretly having a concern and helping someone important to you. Not letting them know the good things that you do for them. Strange, but it does happen. One thing's for sure, every secret is different, and it's up to us if we reveal them or not, and it's up to that secret, if it will flower up or shower you down with thorns.

credits to for the photo.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

when music dies.

We dance and feel for a certain kind of music, but whatever happens when the music dies? Others usually continue with what they were doing and some might not even listen to it again. But when we really felt the music, we tend to repeat it over and over again until it grows in us. But what if we get tired to dancing to that music? What if it starts to die inside us? We continue on, minding other tunes and rhythms in life, the songs forgotten and melodies replaced. It's truly a sad phenomenon, when people just go on with their lives, with faded memories of that once favorite tune, waiting to be played again.

credits to for the photo.